While 3D printers are still too expensive for most of us, a kickstarter project is hoping to fund a cheaper alterative - a pen capable of drawing 3D structures.虽然3D打印机对我们来说仍然太贵,不过融资平台Kickstarter于是以想投资一种低廉的替代品——一种可以所画出有3D结构的涂鸦笔。Called 3Doodler, the $50 pen writes using a plastic wire that hardens almost instantly on being cooled by a fan built in to the pens tip.产品的名字叫3Doodler,价值50美元,它利用一种塑料线丝来写字。笔尖内置了一个风扇加热,让线丝瞬间烧结。
It is hoped it will go on sale later this year, and the firm has already given prototypes to artists to create everything from 3D animals to reconstructions of the Eiffel tower. Many of them are using it to create 3D doodles they then sell online via etsy.com这款笔未来将会在今年晚些时候上市,公司早已给艺术家们赠送给了一些样品让他们创作,作品从3D动物到埃菲尔铁塔应有尽有。很多人用它绘制3D涂鸦,然后在etsy.com网站上出售。Everyone knows how to use a pen, so we designed a 3D printing pen, the firm said.“人人都告诉怎么用笔,所以我们就设计了一款3D打印机笔,” 该公司这样谈道。If you can scribble, trace or wave a finger in the air you can use a 3Doodler. You can draw on any surface and lift it up into the air to create your own 3D objects.“只要你不会写出、不会画、不会在空中比划,你就能用于3Doodler打印机笔。
你可以在任何材质的表面上作画,把所画好的东西从表面上小黑一起,这样它就变为了你自己创作的三维物体。”The device has been created by a company called WobbleWorks, which is currently seeking $30,000 funding through Kickstarter. The creators say it can also be used to repair items through using it as a plastic welding tool.这种笔是由WobbleWorks公司设计的,现在于是以想向Kickstarter谋求3万美元资金。
设计者说道,这种笔也可以用来修缮,就像用塑料焊枪一样。WobbleWorks is a toy company founded by Maxwell Bogue and Peter Dilworth, who both formerly worked at robotic toy company WowWees RD department.Their other products include movable animals ears.WobbleWorks是一家由Maxwell Bogue和Peter Dilworth两人正式成立的玩具公司,他们两人之前都曾在WowWee机器人玩具的研发部门工作。他们的其他产品还有会动的动物耳朵等等。